Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Saturday night I am pretty sure that D came to bed with us but Sunday he did not. Silly him. Last night he went to game night. I went to bed without him but couldn't sleep. I sent him a text message and he came home so I fell asleep with him. I'm not sure if it counts or not. I think I'll give it to him. hehe

I am working on a new diaper bag. The one I got at my baby shower was so cool and I loved it but it fell apart. I have been told that they don't make bags to last that they make them so that they will tear and rip apart so you have to buy more. Rude!

Baby is sleeping so I am going to see if I can finish what I started last night! :D

Saturday, May 8, 2010

By the grace of God...

Somehow by the grace of God last night D came to bed with us. We even cuddled until his back started to hurt. :D It was very nice. I didn't even ask him to he just decided he wanted to sleep next to me. It made my heart very happy.

Baby has been playing with a rattle for a few days now. I'm not sure she has figured it out yet but it is so much fun for me to watch her try.

Someone is in need of a nap and the other need a shower. Time to swaddle a baby!
Last night Dan went to bed with us. I even got a really nice back rub. We cuddled and all was well.

I am almost positive that there won't be a repeat of that tonight though. He has had a strange day and will probably be "de-stressing". I put that in quotes because from my perspective he is only getting himself more worked up. I hate it. He gets so frustrated and angry when he plays these games, but he says he enjoys them. Who am I to judge?

It has been a long day...I think it is time for E and I to go to bed.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Le sigh

So the night before last Dan came to bed with us but last night he stayed up late. He really needs to get his but in bed earlier. Luckily he won't be having to work so early anymore soon. The girls will be done with school for a while and will not need him to cover the front. It is very cool.

I am looking forward to going to MN at the end of the month. Unfortunately we will be moving at that same time so things will be hectic.

Oh that's right. We are moving again. This time to my parent's vacant house. We are fortunate that we can use their furniture though. haha

I have blog to read, books to finish, blanket to crochet and a cute little baby who wants to be cuddled.

-Have a great day-

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

It's tough waking up.

I don't know how I forgot to mention this last night or any other night for that matter but Saturday morning Evelynn rolled over for the first time...and her second third and fourth. It was so wonderful. My heart filled with joy and I just squealed. To make it even better both Dan and I got to watch it happen. He just happened to be looking away from his video game at the moment and was witness to the glorious moment. I didn't get the first one but the next few I did get on video and I will see if I can figure out how to post it. :)

A certain little cutie is awake and wants to be fed.....

...and Bingo was his name-o!

That song has been stuck in my head for several days now and it is driving me bonkers.

I cut my finger on an uber sharp knife this morning doing the dishes so I am going to try to keep this short because it hurts to type with it.

I decided last night while trying to fall asleep that I am going to "secretly" keep track of how many nights Dan actually goes to bed when E and I do. The trouble is I can't remember the last time he did. Of course when I wake up he is there but he always stays up hours after I go to bed playing video games. I can say for certain that the last three nights he has gone to bed late and of course to night it another game night so he won't be home for at least another hour and my bed time is in 15 minutes. Yes, I gave myself a bedtime. I have found that when I try to stick to it I can wake up earlier and be happier about it. I get more done and just feel better about life.

A certain baby just woke up from her cat nap so I am going to feed her and hopefully get some sleep.

4 days of going to be without my husband by my side..........................