Friday, September 19, 2008

We'll never get bored cuz we can go boarding...

According to my calculations it has been a while since my last post.

My little sister's 20 birthday is on Sunday. My dad went to visit my mom this weekend so neither of them will be here. I think she wanted it that way. I'm going to either take her to all the thrifts store or not. Tomorrow Danny and I are going to go around and treasure hunt for her. I'm prepared to spend $10-20 on her. I've already got her two presents. I would have three but I don't know where I put it so I can't very well give it to her.

I am doing laundry currently at my house!!! A few months ago the lovely Diemer's gave us their old washer and dryer set. The catch? They didn't work. Or rather they didn't work for us. The washer leaked and the dryer was missing screws. $100 dollars later and we are washing laundry in the comfort of our own home!

Lately I have been slacking majorly on my school work and it is catching up with me.... I need to manage my time better.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

You are crowned all powerful...

Excerpts from Daily Strength for Daily Needs for September 6. I bought this book for my mom at St. Vinny's but ended up keeping for myself:

And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let them deny himself, and take up his cross daily and follow me. Luke 9:23

To take up the cross of Christ is no great action done once for all. It consists in the continual practice of small duties that are distasteful to us. -Cardinal John Henry Newman

I would have you, one by one, ask yourselves, In what way do you I take up the cross daily? -Edward B. Pusey

Every morning, receive your own special cross from the hands of your heavenly father. -Lorenzo Scupoli

Even after having read that I'm still unsure of what it means to carry your own cross. Is it just going through the daily struggles of being a christian? If anyone can shed some light on the subject for me that would be great.

The bears can smell the menstruation...

Oh menstruation.

When I first started my period no one really explained it to me all that well. I honestly thought that I was going to bleed every day until my 50s when menopause hit. I was very sad that I would never be able to wear white panties again. I soon found out that my assumption of bleeding forever was incorrect when my period stopped and everything went back to normal for a few weeks. I still feel silly for thinking that.

Random semi-gross thought for today.

What a way to wake up...

In the middle of the night I woke up because I had to pee. I came back to bed and noticed that Danny didn't have any covers on and his skin is very cold so I covered him up with the sheet and blanket and rubbed his back to get him warm. He was an icicle. A few hours passed and I woke up to a blanket being put over my head and my face being rubbed. Danny, in his sleep, thought that my face was my back and wanted to be helpful and over me up. I say "Daniel!" He asks me what was wrong and I proceed to tell him that he just covered my face. The response I get? In the most innocent child-like voice I hear "You're welcome." and he goes back to "sleep". What a cutie-face. I just about died of laughter but I was still tired so I just went back to sleep reminding myself of what had just happened as not to forget.

When we both actually got up this morning we had a good laugh about it.

Life is good.

God must have heard my prayer last night...

Just when I think that I am about to lose him I realize how in love with me he is.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

God bless our home.

The word of the day is perseverance or rather vigilance. Things have been picking up and going so well in our lives that Satan is trying to do any and every little thing to make us stray from God but it's not going to happen! With Danny having his second job we were going to be able to get a real bed in about 2 months (if we wanted the really nice one-one month for the okay one). We were very excited about it. Well Danny's bank is suck and he doesn't keep track of his spendings so when he gets down in his account the bank puts through all the little Taco Bell purchases so he'll go over and they can overdraft him. Now he owes them $75 or so...that's a big chunk of my bed going away. Plus I think our air mattress may have a leak in it because it is going flat quicker than usual. It makes me sad because it is really starting to mess with my neck and back. I can't imagine what it is like for Danny because his job is laborous.

I need to kick it up a knotch and start getting my reading done for class. I have 4 classes and so much reading for all of them...

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

We keep waiting for the world to stop by it won't slow down and we'll never catch up.

My eyes are itchy. I finished my first ever third row of knitting! Twice. I say twice because as I was going for my first fourth row ever I messed it up and had to start over from row one. Ouch. I think that I am finally getting the hang of it and I will soon have a scarf or something that at least resembles a scarf. So exciting.

I don't know why but recently it has been bothering me that I have no single girlfriends that have no children. I had friends with no husbands but still have kids. I love my friends, don't get my wrong but the main three I have-- Alicia, Jacci, and Shannon--all of kids. Three of them each.
(I cry at the fact that I only have 3 friends, btw.) Plus their husbands. I long to have friends that are my age that are where I am in life. I finally found a friend like me but she just recently found out that she was pregnant so now she is not like me. She is with child. I don't think that it is so crazy to want a 21 year old [[[Christian]]] friend who doesn't have children or a spouse. It's a tough thing to find in this town that's for sure. I want to double date??? I don't know if I actually want to do that but it has always sounded fun. Except anyone I would even want to go with would need to find a sitter and whatnot. Too much hassle I think. Would it be crazy of me to put up an ad on Craig's List looking for a non married, non-baby having Christian friend?!? Probably. It stinks.

Time to grow up I guess...............

***Le sigh***

Monday, September 1, 2008

Because I need You more than ever...

I am getting tired. The internet is full of knowledge. Currently I am looking at engagment rings and information on fasting. And Alicia you can suck it because I am not wedding obsessed Danny told me to send him links so he would know what I like! So there! :P

It is freezing in here. I haven't been cold in this house in a long time. Our electric has been really high so Danny has been a Nazi about the a/c. I guess the weather is finally cooling down to a point where my blood won't boil. We never did fry that egg on the side walk like we said we would. I was looking forward to that. I have lived here for all these years and have never done that. It's sad, really.

Tomorrow would be Connor's second birthday and it makes me very sad. I'm still not sure how Danny is going to handle it. He took the day off work so he doesn't want to worry about that. I really hope that he's okay. I know that he is doing a lot better but I still worry about him. He's gone through a really big loss and I just want to make sure that he's fine. Le sad.

By the way I can't wait to never have to see Bryan ever again unless I choice that I want to see him. I am begging to hate all the things that he does. Even his laugh makes me want to punch a computer monitor. Just a few more months...just keep saying it! I must confess that we are going to be on our own soon. Speaking of which I have been slacking on my confessions. I know I said that I was going to put them up everywhere but then school stuff tackled me, which should have been even more reason to do it, and I just put it on the back burner. I will have to remedy that this week.

As for me I am going to bed....Game night should be over soon. (I hope.)