Wednesday, September 3, 2008

We keep waiting for the world to stop by it won't slow down and we'll never catch up.

My eyes are itchy. I finished my first ever third row of knitting! Twice. I say twice because as I was going for my first fourth row ever I messed it up and had to start over from row one. Ouch. I think that I am finally getting the hang of it and I will soon have a scarf or something that at least resembles a scarf. So exciting.

I don't know why but recently it has been bothering me that I have no single girlfriends that have no children. I had friends with no husbands but still have kids. I love my friends, don't get my wrong but the main three I have-- Alicia, Jacci, and Shannon--all of kids. Three of them each.
(I cry at the fact that I only have 3 friends, btw.) Plus their husbands. I long to have friends that are my age that are where I am in life. I finally found a friend like me but she just recently found out that she was pregnant so now she is not like me. She is with child. I don't think that it is so crazy to want a 21 year old [[[Christian]]] friend who doesn't have children or a spouse. It's a tough thing to find in this town that's for sure. I want to double date??? I don't know if I actually want to do that but it has always sounded fun. Except anyone I would even want to go with would need to find a sitter and whatnot. Too much hassle I think. Would it be crazy of me to put up an ad on Craig's List looking for a non married, non-baby having Christian friend?!? Probably. It stinks.

Time to grow up I guess...............

***Le sigh***


She said...

I know what you mean! It was hard finding friends that were married that had kids. Danny and I are always up to double dating. It won't be a hassle to find a sitter. We promise? I understand though. I know it is nothing against us. Sometimes you want a friend that knows exactly what you are going thru when you are going thru it. Not one that has been there back in the day..haha. :) Thank you so much for coming with us to Del Taco last night. It was lots and lots of fun. Congrats on the knitting. We will have to have a girls night soon? yes?

Unknown said...

so i have been doing alot of thinking about this blog, and this is what i decided, actually during praise and worship this morning at bible study, is when i thought this...bad i here it is....You say you have so friends without children and not married, WELL....i think you should just join the group...have your man get on one knee, pop the question and pop some kids out..that simple...join the dark side.
hehe...easier said than done i am sure....but hey its all good, I know i am not single and defantly do HAVE children, but you are welcome at my abode at any o'l time....i love having you over. And we will fo sure set up a date for dinner very soon.