Tuesday, May 4, 2010

...and Bingo was his name-o!

That song has been stuck in my head for several days now and it is driving me bonkers.

I cut my finger on an uber sharp knife this morning doing the dishes so I am going to try to keep this short because it hurts to type with it.

I decided last night while trying to fall asleep that I am going to "secretly" keep track of how many nights Dan actually goes to bed when E and I do. The trouble is I can't remember the last time he did. Of course when I wake up he is there but he always stays up hours after I go to bed playing video games. I can say for certain that the last three nights he has gone to bed late and of course to night it another game night so he won't be home for at least another hour and my bed time is in 15 minutes. Yes, I gave myself a bedtime. I have found that when I try to stick to it I can wake up earlier and be happier about it. I get more done and just feel better about life.

A certain baby just woke up from her cat nap so I am going to feed her and hopefully get some sleep.

4 days of going to be without my husband by my side..........................

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