Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Very generic title, I know. Whatever.

So this Christmas season has had very many ups and downs but in the end God is good, and I am still dyslexic (I put den instead of end).

I had fun with friends and family. I got my hair cut yesterday. Pictures soon to follow.

This is the tree that Danny and I started out with. It wasn't my first choice but it was cute and made me happy.

I came home from work one night and found that someone (my family) had snuck into my house and left a Christmas tree. Exhibit A: The tree

Don't judge it solely on this picture because it kept getting knocked over so it's a little misshapen now. Very sad. Danny wants to take it down today. I think I may be able to leave it up till the end of the week if I use my magic. We will be moving soon so it will need to be put away soon anyway.

Exhibit B: Kelli entering my house with said tree

I am stuck at home until Danny gets off work at 2:30 unless I call my mom for a ride. Time to get more packing done!

Merry Christmas; I love you all!!!


(Semi-colons are under-rated.)

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Comfort and joy...

We have received our first (and second) wedding gift. It's very exciting. Three weeks exactly.

I have an early dinner with the twins in half an hour.........

Tomorrow I am going over to my parent's house, after Girlmore Girls, but before Super Sister Sunday to wrap presents. Christmas has gotten away from me this year. I am trying very hard to be festive this year but our living situation is making it very difficult. :(

I'm getting hungry.

Not sure why I wanted to post because there is not much to write about, plus I must not a lot of time to write anyway.

Danny didn't pass his test today so he is very sad about that. :(

Friday, December 5, 2008

Beautitful One I love, beautiful One I adore...

Oh the joys of Christmas shopping. Danny and I did a little bit at Walmart today but I am doing a lot right now on They have some great stuff that I am very excited about. Free shipping too which is nice because that would really start to add up otherwise!

I'm not really sure why but for as long as I can remember really I have not had great best friends. The person I would chose would be my friend but they had their own best friend. So they were my best friend and some other person was theirs. Not so much fun really. Even today, as an adult, it seems that I have the same problem. I don't really like it. Not really sure how to remedy it though.

I really can not wait to be out of this house..............

It's freezing in here but I refuse to turn on the heat. I will close some of the windows and/or doors and then maybe put my sweater back on.

I have a rental car right now that I love driving. It has a cd player in it which mine does not so I can't wait till I have to drive somewhere else so I can put a cd in. I should really think for a while about what I should play. I have the car till about Tuesday so I have time to play a lot! Yays.