Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Very generic title, I know. Whatever.

So this Christmas season has had very many ups and downs but in the end God is good, and I am still dyslexic (I put den instead of end).

I had fun with friends and family. I got my hair cut yesterday. Pictures soon to follow.

This is the tree that Danny and I started out with. It wasn't my first choice but it was cute and made me happy.

I came home from work one night and found that someone (my family) had snuck into my house and left a Christmas tree. Exhibit A: The tree

Don't judge it solely on this picture because it kept getting knocked over so it's a little misshapen now. Very sad. Danny wants to take it down today. I think I may be able to leave it up till the end of the week if I use my magic. We will be moving soon so it will need to be put away soon anyway.

Exhibit B: Kelli entering my house with said tree

I am stuck at home until Danny gets off work at 2:30 unless I call my mom for a ride. Time to get more packing done!

Merry Christmas; I love you all!!!


(Semi-colons are under-rated.)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Did you guys find a place??