Wednesday, August 26, 2009


I would really like some brownies.

It seems like a logical request but the more I think about it the more I complicate it.

D complains that he no longer likes what he sees in the mirror but won't go to the gym and eats massive bowls of ice cream. I hate it. I used to do it myself and I hated when I did it. I've been told countless times by countless people that I need to eat healthy for the baby and that it will make it easier to lose the baby weight. While one the one hand that is true I would really like to make a nice batch of brownies.


Sorry to waste your time with this one...

1 comment:

She said...

Moderation with the brownies. I will bake you a batch. Let me know when it is good to bring them by. It sucks being in that place where you know you don't like what you see but you don't do anything to change it. I get sucked in that hole often..I miss you and you didn't waste anyone's time if you did they obviously missed the memo of what blogs are. :)