Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Just a melody...

My darling, handsome, honey-face is depressed and I have done almost all that I can think of to help him. I have a few more tricks up my sleeve that I am going to try tomorrow to help him out.

Thanks to Dan Diemer I have narrowed it down to two Bible that are in chronological order.




I like them both so much I'm thinking about getting them both. Not at the same time of course because we really can't afford either at this point but it is something to aspire to. The Bible is very confusing and I think that if I read it in order it might help. We'll see.

Well today I am going to ride my bicycle to work so I am going to leave a bit early to give myself enough time to get there. Hopefully Danny will remember to pick me up! It's a long way uphill in the dark otherwise!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Kate...you are so amazing...you are so good to Danny...you both were truly meant for each other...I love you both and am praying for you guys.