Wednesday, January 27, 2010


So I didn't do a love blog last week but I have a newborn and that takes a lot of time. Dan and I have a system where if she isn't sleeping one of us will take her to the living room so the other can sleep in bed. Then we switch after a few hours. Its proven to be quite helpful.

Things I love:

1. My mom

She stayed in town for a week and came by everyday to help out. She even came over just so Dan and I could sleep. She helped clean and made breakfast. She is a great mother and I hope to be just as wonderful as she is.

2. My husband

He is my rock. He keeps me sane and I love him more and more each day.

3. Sleeping

I never knew how much I loved sleeping until it was disrupted ever 3 or so hours. Evelynn has gotten a lot better about sleeping longer but she still likes to stay up late. Silly party animal.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

I am a mommy...

Things I love:

1. My daughter

She is so darn cute!

2. Medela

I am very grateful that the breast pump was invented otherwise Evelynn might be a formula baby which is not the best thing for her.

3. Modern medicine

If it weren't for modern medicine both my daughter and I could be dead.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Any time now...

I think I will try a new blog approach. Not that I will stop doing my random blogs but I will do a blog once a week at least and share something I like/love/am excited about. I am picking Fridays to do this because the new year started on a Friday and that's about it. :)

1. These baby booties!

I got the stuff to make these back in October of last year when I was buying stuff for the baby shower and never did anything with them. The first pair is almost done and then I will have pictures. If I like them enough I will make a pattern and put it up for anyone who wants to give it a try. They would make a great homemade baby shower gift!

2. My baby girl!

We had another ultrasound done because Dr. Wiese wanted to check the fluid level since the baby wasn't moving as much as she usually does. I love her alien face.

3. My anniversary!!!

Sunday is my one year anniversary to my wonderful husband. Wow that year has gone by so fast. I can't wait to eat more cake. ;)

A list of three seems like enough for today. We don't want to overload. Until next time....

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Years!

Last night Dan and I were enjoying ourselves at a party held by his boss when like clockwork I was having contractions that would not stop. At 11:45 we went to the hospital to see what was going on.

Nurse Ginger-the wonderful nurse we had for our Thanksgiving trip- was our nurse. She let me know that my contractions were 1-2 minutes apart but that I am still not dialated at all. Baby is at a -1 which means that she is just about my pelvis about to make her decent into the birth canal. Lovely.

We wait for 20 or so minutes connected to a monitor. What was interesting to Dan was that when we were talking to Ginger I had no contractions but when I was just sitting not talking I had lots of contractions.

After we chat for a few I was dishcharged.

I think it is really cool that our hospital had the first baby born in 2009 in all of AZ. It's sort of cheating- even though it wasn't a c-section which is totally cheating they did break her water to make her have the baby at that time. What pisses me off is that her due date was after mine but they still induced her anyway.

Dan and me in the hospital...again! Just ignore my bra showing in the first one. I didn't realize it was like that until after.