Friday, January 8, 2010

Any time now...

I think I will try a new blog approach. Not that I will stop doing my random blogs but I will do a blog once a week at least and share something I like/love/am excited about. I am picking Fridays to do this because the new year started on a Friday and that's about it. :)

1. These baby booties!

I got the stuff to make these back in October of last year when I was buying stuff for the baby shower and never did anything with them. The first pair is almost done and then I will have pictures. If I like them enough I will make a pattern and put it up for anyone who wants to give it a try. They would make a great homemade baby shower gift!

2. My baby girl!

We had another ultrasound done because Dr. Wiese wanted to check the fluid level since the baby wasn't moving as much as she usually does. I love her alien face.

3. My anniversary!!!

Sunday is my one year anniversary to my wonderful husband. Wow that year has gone by so fast. I can't wait to eat more cake. ;)

A list of three seems like enough for today. We don't want to overload. Until next time....

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