Wednesday, January 27, 2010


So I didn't do a love blog last week but I have a newborn and that takes a lot of time. Dan and I have a system where if she isn't sleeping one of us will take her to the living room so the other can sleep in bed. Then we switch after a few hours. Its proven to be quite helpful.

Things I love:

1. My mom

She stayed in town for a week and came by everyday to help out. She even came over just so Dan and I could sleep. She helped clean and made breakfast. She is a great mother and I hope to be just as wonderful as she is.

2. My husband

He is my rock. He keeps me sane and I love him more and more each day.

3. Sleeping

I never knew how much I loved sleeping until it was disrupted ever 3 or so hours. Evelynn has gotten a lot better about sleeping longer but she still likes to stay up late. Silly party animal.

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