Thursday, March 4, 2010

Day four:


I'm so proud of me. Honestly when I look at it I see a bit of a hedgehog resemblance! haha I still love it just the same. I was thinking that I might make one for my grandma because her birthday is coming up, however on second thought I think I remember my mom saying that she wasn't going to be sewing anymore. I will have to check. Either way I think it would make her smile.

It does look pretty good considering I only half read her instructions and then didn't even follow them. She has you sew the top first where as I did the bottom. I'm not sure if it matters or not but that's just how I roll.

I'm not sure if I am going to start another project tonight or not, Dan gets off work in 30 minutes so it would have to either be a quick one or one that I could finish right when he gets home. I will check the massive folder of crafts that I set aside for this month.

This is the back:

An angle shot:

A side shot:

Here is the link to the tutorial:

I haven't added the face on to mine yet because I wanted Dan to help me pick the colors.

**Oreofairy** This little guy or gal does not have a name or a gender, would you kindly ask your children if they could help him or her out? They are the best I know at naming. :)

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