Sunday, July 20, 2008

His love endures forever...

Listening to praise and worship music never fails to bring me up. I'm so blessed.

Danny and I had a mini fight that was lame and ended 30-45 minutes in. Stress is kicking our butts currently, but it's something that we are working on. Tomorrow I will be able to register for classes (I hope) and that will make it a bit easier to find a job.

I rearranged our bedroom today. It looks so nice the way it is. I would really like to have a real bed but God will work His ways to help us to get one when we are ready. We just need to pray about it. I've been really bad about that.

I know that I should be praying tongues because it is His will, I just don't. I need to get past whatever it is that is standing in my way and just do it! I said at the beginning of the year that I was going to fast and tithe and do all these things for God and to glorify Him but I haven't. I can't tithe because I don't have an income to give 10% of but I will have a job and I will tithe then. I tithed twice but then lost my job.

It stinks being unemployed.

I painted my toes last night. Danny's friend Jesse helped me to pink out the color. He was really funny. We stayed up pretty late because Chico and Jesse were over. Chico needed to make his character for the game that they play. Danny went to bed around one-thirty but we ended up talking for a while and didn't actually sleep till around two-thirty. Still got up and ready in time for church this morning which was something I had been worried about. I just wasn't tired enough to sleep.

Currently I am looking at rummy royal boards on e-bay again. I've found two in particular that I think that I am going to get that are so stinking cheap. I hope Danny doesn't get mad about it. One for me, one for my mom's house so Kelli can use it there while she still lives there.

I think I will end this blog early and go look at pretty things that I can't have, but can some day make.

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