Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Test drive...

Danny was finally able to convince me to try World of Warcraft. It was alright. I really don't like playing when there are other people around and I don't really want to get over it just yet. I am however starting to like one of his other computer games so we'll see how that goes. We decided to try playing video games together as a way of spending quality time. What could be better then kicking each other's butts in a video game? I really think that it could be fun.

I'm getting tired but I don't have a job or anything that needs to be done tomorrow so I can stay up as late as I want... Danny on the other hand has work at 6:00 a.m. but is still playing his game. I think he wanted to level up before bed. I'm not too sure about it though.

My neck and back have been killing me for the past little bit of time. I think that it will go away for the most part when we actually get a real bed. Air mattresses are just not cutting it these days. We have the really nice blanket, the really nice sheets and really fluffy pillows...all that's left it a bed. Yay! We need money to buy a bed and we don't have it yet.

I'm really excited for Danny because he gets to go on the Men's Retreat next month with the men from our church. He's jazzed for it too which makes me even happier- I'm not sure why. I've just heard such great thing from the guys when they get back and I really want that for him.

I should get some rest. I'll probably do some more cleaning up and unpacking of boxes. Yes, I still have a few boxes that I haven't unpack from when I moved it. I still have some at my parent's house from when we moved to Lake Havasu back in 1998. Oh'll all work out in the end.

I also need to remember to do two of the workout videos when Danny is at work because we will be at church in the evening so no time for the gym... If I'm going to continue to eat crap food then I should do some sort of exercise so I stay the same instead of getting larger, and then eventually getting smaller...

I'm so blessed.............

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