Sunday, July 20, 2008

What has my life become...

It's almost 1:30 in the morning and even though I am fairly tired I am not in bed. Why you ask? Because I am here looking at random web sites to buy a Rummy Royal board that I can not afford. I would really love to be able to buy 3 of them. One for me, one for Kelli, and one for my mom and dad. But I can't. It stinks. I could probably get away with buying one which I am thinking about doing but Danny doesn't think it is a good idea. Money is really tight right now-more so than usual. I am going to go down to the college on Monday, Alicia said that she would come with me because she wants to register for a few classes herself. I thought that was pretty cool.

Friendship builders was pretty cool. I was able to get my mom AND Kelli to come with. They left before all of the testimonies were done. Kelli still thinks that it is a cult. I'm not sure how serious she is when she says this but she has said it often which makes me pretty sad. I guess all I can do at this point is pray for her. It was really cool though- usually Alicia and I will drive over to these things together but she was over at her house getting things fixed up so they can move back in soon, so she wasn't able to come with me.... it was really neat that I was able to go there without my safety net. I was very proud of myself. It was nice to have her show up though.

I am so excited to have my glasses soon. My eyes really need the rest. Plus it'll be nice to have something new!

Danny got a hair cut today. He didn't get very much cut off but he looks a lot different.

I should really get some sleep. I don't know why but I have been really tired lately for no particular reason. I need to change that-stat! It might help if I stopped speaking negative into my life, and also slept normal hours. I need to start behaving more like an adult. I'm not sure how much I'm going to like it but it has to start soon.

More people I know having babies..............................................

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