Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Saturday night I am pretty sure that D came to bed with us but Sunday he did not. Silly him. Last night he went to game night. I went to bed without him but couldn't sleep. I sent him a text message and he came home so I fell asleep with him. I'm not sure if it counts or not. I think I'll give it to him. hehe

I am working on a new diaper bag. The one I got at my baby shower was so cool and I loved it but it fell apart. I have been told that they don't make bags to last that they make them so that they will tear and rip apart so you have to buy more. Rude!

Baby is sleeping so I am going to see if I can finish what I started last night! :D

Saturday, May 8, 2010

By the grace of God...

Somehow by the grace of God last night D came to bed with us. We even cuddled until his back started to hurt. :D It was very nice. I didn't even ask him to he just decided he wanted to sleep next to me. It made my heart very happy.

Baby has been playing with a rattle for a few days now. I'm not sure she has figured it out yet but it is so much fun for me to watch her try.

Someone is in need of a nap and the other need a shower. Time to swaddle a baby!
Last night Dan went to bed with us. I even got a really nice back rub. We cuddled and all was well.

I am almost positive that there won't be a repeat of that tonight though. He has had a strange day and will probably be "de-stressing". I put that in quotes because from my perspective he is only getting himself more worked up. I hate it. He gets so frustrated and angry when he plays these games, but he says he enjoys them. Who am I to judge?

It has been a long day...I think it is time for E and I to go to bed.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Le sigh

So the night before last Dan came to bed with us but last night he stayed up late. He really needs to get his but in bed earlier. Luckily he won't be having to work so early anymore soon. The girls will be done with school for a while and will not need him to cover the front. It is very cool.

I am looking forward to going to MN at the end of the month. Unfortunately we will be moving at that same time so things will be hectic.

Oh that's right. We are moving again. This time to my parent's vacant house. We are fortunate that we can use their furniture though. haha

I have blog to read, books to finish, blanket to crochet and a cute little baby who wants to be cuddled.

-Have a great day-

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

It's tough waking up.

I don't know how I forgot to mention this last night or any other night for that matter but Saturday morning Evelynn rolled over for the first time...and her second third and fourth. It was so wonderful. My heart filled with joy and I just squealed. To make it even better both Dan and I got to watch it happen. He just happened to be looking away from his video game at the moment and was witness to the glorious moment. I didn't get the first one but the next few I did get on video and I will see if I can figure out how to post it. :)

A certain little cutie is awake and wants to be fed.....

...and Bingo was his name-o!

That song has been stuck in my head for several days now and it is driving me bonkers.

I cut my finger on an uber sharp knife this morning doing the dishes so I am going to try to keep this short because it hurts to type with it.

I decided last night while trying to fall asleep that I am going to "secretly" keep track of how many nights Dan actually goes to bed when E and I do. The trouble is I can't remember the last time he did. Of course when I wake up he is there but he always stays up hours after I go to bed playing video games. I can say for certain that the last three nights he has gone to bed late and of course to night it another game night so he won't be home for at least another hour and my bed time is in 15 minutes. Yes, I gave myself a bedtime. I have found that when I try to stick to it I can wake up earlier and be happier about it. I get more done and just feel better about life.

A certain baby just woke up from her cat nap so I am going to feed her and hopefully get some sleep.

4 days of going to be without my husband by my side..........................

Saturday, March 20, 2010

As you may or may not know I am OBSESSED with anything Sunbonnet Sue. I adore her. My wonderful husband "let" me buy a set of four books that are out of print and very difficult to find. I bought for three different sellers online to get them all. It was a bit costly but so worth it. I could only find pictures of two.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Sunbonnet Family Reunion Album II (2) : 126 Winning Designs With Complete Instructions

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Praise be to God!

Last night Evelynn slept through the night completely! I'm not sure about her night terrors because I was sleeping in bed. Dan stayed up last night playing video games while she slept in her swing. He did not wake me up to feed her 'till the morning. Yay! I have no idea if it was a fluke or if this is a sign of things to come but it was amazing. I did go through two bras and several nursing pads but it seems worth it.

I had to pump a little because I had filled so much with milk that I was pretty sure that she would not have been able to do her thing.

I would celebrate with Dan but he traded with me. I went to the living room and fed baby and he stole my side of the bed. *shrugs* Oh well, I got a bunch of sleep with really strange dreams. I think I will clean up the house a little before my best friend comes to town and Dan's friend Robert moves in this weekend-or maybe I'll do crafts! haha

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

So my craft-a-day didn't even last 2 weeks but I am glad that I tried. I have started a few cool projects and will continue to make awesome things. I have several completed things to post but just haven't had the chance to because I am lazy and have this really cute baby who demands a lot of my attention.

This weekend is going to be a busy one. Friday I am hoping to spend time with my best friend who will be here, Saturday D, E and I are going down to San Luis to go to my parent's house warming party. They moved in a few months ago but waited for the party 'till we could go. Sunday Dan is canceling game night because Chico is moving in with us. Yep. I told myself once we were married we wouldn't have a roommate ever again but we are helping out a friend for a few months. It won't be so bad, in fact I'm sure he will prove to be most helpful.

My pumpkin is getting so big, I will have to put pictures up later for those of you who are interested, to be honest I'm not sure how many of you are out there. I can only think of two people who actually read this on occasion. No worries though, this isn't really for the world it is more for me to get out of my own head and out of my way.

I should spend some time with my Mouse and perhaps knit a bit-if I remember how. : /

Friday, March 5, 2010


Somehow another week has escaped. Today is Friday and I can't believe that with each passing day my little baby girl is growing up. She talks and talks and talks. She tries really hard to hold her head up and is just a joy to be around.

Let's see here...what have I found that is lovely and worthy of showing off?

Thursday, March 4, 2010

It's been nice...

The last two nights Dan and I have been able to sleep in the same bed AT THE SAME TIME! haha That hasn't happened in a while, well except for when my mom took care of her for us. I am so glad that she is allowing this to happen but it makes me sad that she is already growing up so fast. I look at how big she is compared to when she was first born, it's incredible how much she's changed.

I am tired so I am going to see if E will let me sleep....... Good night, God bless.

Evelynn 1-14-10:

Evelynn 3-4-10:


Tuesday Dan and I were going to take E to the store to get something or another and as we were about to head out the door work called. He was under the impression that he had 20 minutes before he had to be at work but they told him nope, that they wanted him there 10 minutes ago. Since the baby was all ready to go I took Dan to work and E and I went to Hastings. I got a coffee drink and we sat and read magazines about quilting. When we were bored of that we went out. Evelynn has officially had her first thrift shopping experience! * applause* She was asleep for most of it which was fine. I took some pictures of a few of the things we picked up:

This is some pretty fabric that I found. It probably should have gone into the wash that I just did but I guess it can wait for next week.

I found three packs of thread for $1.25 each. I am a little bummed that they spools aren't all complete but a little bit of joy is better than no joy at all!

This right here is very special to me. I am trying to decide if I should give them both to my best friend or if I should keep one and give her one that way we remember each other since she lives so far away. Thoughts from the peanut gallery? They pretty much called out to me and said to buy them for her, I said how much are you? They informed me that they were so cheap I couldn't afford NOT to buy them! :D

I also got this cute sign for E but for some reason by blog is making it side-ways and I can't seem to figure out why or how to make it switch back to normal. Oh well, enjoy it anyway.

Day four:


I'm so proud of me. Honestly when I look at it I see a bit of a hedgehog resemblance! haha I still love it just the same. I was thinking that I might make one for my grandma because her birthday is coming up, however on second thought I think I remember my mom saying that she wasn't going to be sewing anymore. I will have to check. Either way I think it would make her smile.

It does look pretty good considering I only half read her instructions and then didn't even follow them. She has you sew the top first where as I did the bottom. I'm not sure if it matters or not but that's just how I roll.

I'm not sure if I am going to start another project tonight or not, Dan gets off work in 30 minutes so it would have to either be a quick one or one that I could finish right when he gets home. I will check the massive folder of crafts that I set aside for this month.

This is the back:

An angle shot:

A side shot:

Here is the link to the tutorial:

I haven't added the face on to mine yet because I wanted Dan to help me pick the colors.

**Oreofairy** This little guy or gal does not have a name or a gender, would you kindly ask your children if they could help him or her out? They are the best I know at naming. :)

Day two and three:

So I am a slacker on posting my pictures. I let Kelli borrow my sewing machine so I was not able to so many of the cool projects that I have found. Instead I just tried to do the first day's project again. I did it smaller and in a different color. It still isn't turning out like Elsie's which is fine but I don't like it completely how it is. Something needs to change and I will keep working on it until I can get it how I want it.

Here is it:

The lighting is terrible, I know. I am STILL trying to figure out my camera after all these years!

Here is Kelli wearing it holding my Mouse:

Kelli brought back the sewing machine in the evening and by that time I didn't feel much like starting a big project. I started making a cute porcupine pin cushion but Dan and that baby distracted my with crying, dinner, nursing, and then television. Silly family taking me away from my crafts. I love that I didn't have any brown felt so I had Dan pick from the colors that I did have (they were left over from the Advent String of Lights I did a while back), he chose a dark blue piece of felt with light blue for the stitching.

Here is what I got done yesterday:

I will post a picture of the final product later on.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Day one:

This is call a Mod Flower Hairpiece and I am so proud of me for doing it. When I first made it I didn't really like it because I messed up but the more I look at it the more I love what I've done.

We don't have a printer at home so I was not able to use her template for the blossom. After I finished making it husband came home and showed my how to copy it onto paper from the monitor. I'm excited to try it again now that I know what to expect. For the obvious reasons I was not expecting much from the first try.

It is so exciting to know that I will be creative this whole month...no matter what! haha

Here is the link to the tutorial. It is really cute:

The supplies. I ended up not using that button but didn't decided that until after I took the picture and didn't feel like taking another. :P

Me! With a cute hairpiece...

New idea for the month of March:

Everyday for the entire month of March I will do a craft of some sort. That includes continuing a craft previously started by the day prior or starting a new project.

I am very excited to try this out. I will of course have pictures posted and if I got the idea from someone else I will of course give credit where credit it due.

I will now commence making a Mod Flower Hairpiece that I saw on A Beautiful Mess. Elsie is a brilliant woman. < 3

Sunday, February 28, 2010

My how the time flies...

On Friday Daniel had to adjust the straps on Eveylnn's car seat. She got to big for the tiny position. I swear she is a big girl already. It breaks mommy's heart.

Yesterday she had an outfit she's worn bunches of times not fit her anymore. I can't believe that she is outgrowing clothes already. I know that people always say that children will outgrow their clothing right away but it's just not fair!

I thought that I had more to share but I can't remember what it was...I really want to get this vomit out of my hair-silly baby- so I am going to shower then talk to my husband about church!

Friday, February 26, 2010

Another week down.

I can not believe that it is Friday again already.

The baby is getting big and she is needy. haha Always wanting to be held or loved. Silly baby doesn't realize that mommy needs a break sometimes. That's what daddies are for. Her's is at work. *darn*

Things I love...things I love. What do I love this week?

1. The Milk Saver

I had no idea how much milk was being wasted every time I feed Mouse-but no more! It is so easy to use and clean I can't believe I went almost 2 months without it. I am definitely a spokesperson for them now and will be recommending them to all the moms I know who breastfeed. Which is a small amount because women in America are lazy and selfish. That's not to say that some women don't have a good reason for not nursing because I know a few people that had very good reasons for not but the majority of moms who bottle feed do it for dumb reasons. *End rant*

Milk Saver Image

2. The Sunbonnet Family

This is baby Sunbonnet Sue and Sun hat Sam. There are others including Overall Bill and Scottie Too. I am pretty obsessed with them so if you ever want to get me anything but don't know what here's a clue.

3. Jillian Danielson Photography

Our friend from church came over on Sunday and took pictures of the baby for us as a present. We have only seen a few but they are so darn cute! If we go to church on Sunday she said she would have them ready for us on a cd. I"m very super excited about that. Once we take a look at them we can pick one for her birth announcements and get them sent out!

It's sad how long it took me to come up with that third one. My brain is not functioning...but we'll save that for another blog.

Friday, February 19, 2010


Another week has come and gone. Last night was not a fun night: Dan is getting sick and E just wanted to cry forever and ever. We finally got her in the car around 3 and when we got home she slept. Ridiculous. It is so amazing to see how much she has grown these last few weeks. A woman at the gym gave me the simplest advice. She told me not to blink. Her daughter just turned 30 and she could not believe it.

Things that I love--from the internet!

1. This one-piece swim suit.

It is cute but I am afraid that if I order it the fitting will be off. I am going to look around town before I buy this one, of course.

2. This mouse! I think that this mouse if so cute but I would not spend that much on it. A bit to pricey for my coin purse. Also, what would I do with it???

Row Row Row Your Boat -  Baby Mouse In Leaf Boat

3. This silly tissue box cover.

It has Sunbonnet Sue on it, whom I adore. Honestly it is so adorable, although once again it is not something that is incredibly useful. Still nice to look at.


Friday, February 12, 2010


Tomorrow my baby girl will be one month old. It's crazy. My mom offered to watch her for the night. I'm not sure if we'll take her up on her offer but it's a nice gesture. I would miss her for sure but we need the sleep.

We went to Phoenix earlier in the week. Everything is fine. I don't know if she was sick and all of the collective prayers healed her or if Havasu doctors are just dumb and nothing was wrong with her at all. All I know is that I am so very grateful that all that is bothering her is a little throat irritation because of all the throwing up she has been doing. Only time can make that all better. I want to thank everyone who was praying for her because now she is all better.

Still haven't had time to search the internet for pretty little things because I don't get a lot of time on the computer. Baby likes me to pay attention to her more than other things... Silly baby.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

It's tragic:

Today marks the two year anniversary of Connor's death. It is very sad and I wish that there was more that I could do to help Daniel. While Evelynn and I were doing Super Sister Sunday at my parent's house with Kelli Dan went to Connor's grave. I asked him if he wanted me to go with but he said that I could stay.

The trail starts a few days before my 23rd birthday which is a bit of a bummer but on the same token we are glad that progress is FINALLY being made. I can't say much on the matter because I tend to forget which things I should and should not say.

I am going to see if I can get the baby to sleep so I can sleep. We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow and I would like to be well rested if at all possible.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Another day...

I can't really think of things I love right now... not enough sleep. Hopefully next week I will have better luck. I just haven't had time to go on the computer to just play and look around and neat, cool things.

I will however update you on the health of my baby. We are taking her to Phoenix on Monday to be seen at the Pediatric Surgeons of Phoenix. She has a stomach issue which causes her to throw up most of her meals. When I know more specifics I will share but as of right now she pretty much has a kink in her plumbing. Please pray for her.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Evelynn's birth story:

Tuesday January 12 Dan I and went to our regular OB check up. We had been in and out of the hospital for weeks due to prodromal labor which is where the uterus contracts but does not progress the labor process. It was not fun to say the least. The last time we went in before the appointment they did an ultrasound to check the fluid levels. The tech wasn't nice at first but started to warm up to us after a bit. She even gave us a picture of E's girl stuff to prove to Dan's mom that she was in fact a girl-she was convinced that baby was a boy. We showed her! At the appointment on Tuesday Dr. Wiese did another ultrasound to check the fluid levels again. She told us that they were fine for today but might not be okay for tomorrow or the future and that she wanted to induce labor. We were also told that I would probably go into labor that day but would most likely not have her until the following evening.

Dr. Wiese broke my water manually on Tuesday evening.  Eventually I got the IV pain meds to help make the ouchies stop.  It made me very sleepy ad was able to sleep for a bit.  The next day I was still in lots of pain so I eventually got the epidural.  That evening 24 hours had passed since she broke my water so I had to go in and get an emergency C-Section.

They don't know how it happened but the following day (Thursday) I almost bled out.  They had been measuring my blood levels and came in concerned.  They told me that I needed to go in for a second emergency surgery giving me less than 20 percent chance of living.  They reopened my c-section incision, pulled apart my abs and removed a blood clot the size of a football.  I had lost 50% of my blood volume overnight.

We ended up spending 6 days total in the hospital for healing.  Dan was able to sweet talk the nurses into getting me my own private room so that he could stay the night and I wouldn't have to share with other women.  It wasn't the best experience but he made it better.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


So I didn't do a love blog last week but I have a newborn and that takes a lot of time. Dan and I have a system where if she isn't sleeping one of us will take her to the living room so the other can sleep in bed. Then we switch after a few hours. Its proven to be quite helpful.

Things I love:

1. My mom

She stayed in town for a week and came by everyday to help out. She even came over just so Dan and I could sleep. She helped clean and made breakfast. She is a great mother and I hope to be just as wonderful as she is.

2. My husband

He is my rock. He keeps me sane and I love him more and more each day.

3. Sleeping

I never knew how much I loved sleeping until it was disrupted ever 3 or so hours. Evelynn has gotten a lot better about sleeping longer but she still likes to stay up late. Silly party animal.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

I am a mommy...

Things I love:

1. My daughter

She is so darn cute!

2. Medela

I am very grateful that the breast pump was invented otherwise Evelynn might be a formula baby which is not the best thing for her.

3. Modern medicine

If it weren't for modern medicine both my daughter and I could be dead.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Any time now...

I think I will try a new blog approach. Not that I will stop doing my random blogs but I will do a blog once a week at least and share something I like/love/am excited about. I am picking Fridays to do this because the new year started on a Friday and that's about it. :)

1. These baby booties!

I got the stuff to make these back in October of last year when I was buying stuff for the baby shower and never did anything with them. The first pair is almost done and then I will have pictures. If I like them enough I will make a pattern and put it up for anyone who wants to give it a try. They would make a great homemade baby shower gift!

2. My baby girl!

We had another ultrasound done because Dr. Wiese wanted to check the fluid level since the baby wasn't moving as much as she usually does. I love her alien face.

3. My anniversary!!!

Sunday is my one year anniversary to my wonderful husband. Wow that year has gone by so fast. I can't wait to eat more cake. ;)

A list of three seems like enough for today. We don't want to overload. Until next time....

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Years!

Last night Dan and I were enjoying ourselves at a party held by his boss when like clockwork I was having contractions that would not stop. At 11:45 we went to the hospital to see what was going on.

Nurse Ginger-the wonderful nurse we had for our Thanksgiving trip- was our nurse. She let me know that my contractions were 1-2 minutes apart but that I am still not dialated at all. Baby is at a -1 which means that she is just about my pelvis about to make her decent into the birth canal. Lovely.

We wait for 20 or so minutes connected to a monitor. What was interesting to Dan was that when we were talking to Ginger I had no contractions but when I was just sitting not talking I had lots of contractions.

After we chat for a few I was dishcharged.

I think it is really cool that our hospital had the first baby born in 2009 in all of AZ. It's sort of cheating- even though it wasn't a c-section which is totally cheating they did break her water to make her have the baby at that time. What pisses me off is that her due date was after mine but they still induced her anyway.

Dan and me in the hospital...again! Just ignore my bra showing in the first one. I didn't realize it was like that until after.