Sunday, August 24, 2008

Praise to the King of Kings...

Why do I even bother? I just spent a lot of time over at my parent's house bleaching and washing the couch cover just to take it home and within 15 minutes Bryan is sitting on it in nothing but his boxers. It makes me so disgusted to have to look at it. When Danny and I watch movies out there I have to put blankets down just so I can stand to sit there. I'd ask Danny to tell him not to sit there without clothes on but it would be futile. Bryan doesn't listen to Danny, he has no respect. He thinks that he is superior to us. What a shame. We will be in our own place soon enough and we won't have to worry about lights being left on, the fridge being left open, food being eaten, kitchen and living room a mess, naked people on the couch--you know, the usual roommate things.

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