Wednesday, August 13, 2008


I got my amazing sign from Jacci today. She is amazing, I must say. We hung it right above our bed. It looks so great. I'm sure that it will look even better when we have a real bed with a frame and all that stuff. I really want to have night stands on either side so I can read in bed. Also when I am going to bed I often have the most random thoughts or ideas that I never remember in the morning. If I feel like it I will get out my phone and write myself a memo but they don't always make sense later. I think that if I were to have a notebook with a pen right next to me when those ideas hit I can quickly write them down and go back to bed.

Danny got his new xbox 360 elite that he is very happy about. He even kissed the console when he took it out of the box. It only came with one controller so the Diemer's let us borrow one for a few days. They are upwards $40-60. I could not believe it. It's even worse the people will pay that too.

I'm going to hang the confessions that I put on note cards at my mom's house up around here. Just not sure where. I wanted to do some on the fridge but I'm not sure if that would make Bryan uncomfortable and I know that Danny's friend's give him a hard time as it is for going to church I don't want to make it worse for him. Then again that could just be the devil trying to get me not to hang them. I don't know. I could always find other places to hang them, I shouldn't have to hid my faith in my own home though. I just had a full argument with myself. Guidance?

I've been reading the bible and I am just so filled by it. Everyone at church is so happy to see me this hungry for the things of God. I've decided to read a book of the bible everyday. I didn't finish today because I was tired and wasn't understanding it very well. There's not much point to reading it all if I don't get anything out of it, so I just put it down for a bit. I can finish up tomorrow with fresh thinking.

I have several questions that I have wrote down to ask anyone that will let me. I had my note book sitting next to me and any time that I didn't understand or had a question about it I would write it down. Jacci was able to help me with a few which was nice.

Danny and I are very excited for him to go to the men's retreat in a couple days. I need to do laundry so he'll having something to wear. Or I could be like Jacci and just leave random things out! I need to think of something very random to add to his stuff so when he opens it up he smiles and thinks "That Kate is so silly. I miss her. She's great. I love her." You get the general idea. I was thinking a rubber ducky I have sitting on my computer might do but I'm not sure if that's wacky enough. Let's hope I get inspiration soon, he leaves on Thursday!


She said...

To see you growing in your faith has been amazing. You have gone thru such a transformation since you started coming to Living Word. I am always up for bible discussions. It is one of my favorite thing to do and I love researching it. So maybe one of our Gilmore days we can add that too.

Katemonster23 said...

Thanks you so much. It's so nice to know that. I feel so blessed to be there. That sounds like a wonderful idea. I can bring some of my questions over and we can talk about them. Even the answers I get we can discuss. That sounds like so much fun. Last night when I was reading Danny came and sat by me and we compared my bible with his which is the Jehovah's witness book. Not that much of a difference which confused us on which there is such a difference in the two religions. Not sure. He has a lot of questions for when he is up there this weekend. SO EXCITED!!!

Unknown said...

you are to funny...yes let everyone know i forget random things in my poor husbands suitcase...hehe
i am always happy to help you out with any questions you have.
and dont let the devil make you think you shouldnt hang confessions...i have been wanting to do this for a long time and finally got around to it this morning, but while i was praying and saying confessions i took one of the healing cloths, cause it had annointing oil on it and i annointed the doors, the thermastate ( were are having air troubles) and my animals...that satan has no rule in my home! It was very liberating to say the least. love you and see you tonight

Anonymous said...

when you said that "people" would pay that much for it, you ment "us" of course. =)