Sunday, August 31, 2008

A love song to You...

My poor Danny. This weekend is certainly taking its tole on him. Emotions are going ramped I'm sure. Monday would be Connor's second birthday. I'm not sure how to help him other then just being there for him, which I guess is all I can really do. We went to a gathering people and drama. I don't like drama and I try to avoid it whenever possible. Obviously I can never completely avoid it but I do my best. Danny and I get home from grocery shopping and we are starting dinner and all of that stuff when he gets a phone call from Chico. He tells Danny that he needs to come pick up Bryan and take him home. Chico lives on the south side of town. We left Bryan there with no car for several reasons. We don't have gas or money for gas right now (next week or two???), he was drinking, he could just get a ride back from Chico when Chico came over for game night. It was planned out. Bryan doesn't abide by the plan. He got drunk and started trying to fight everyone. He pulled a knife on someone. He gets bad. He tells us that he used to be an alcoholic but I'm not so sure that it's entirely in the past. I just keep telling Danny "A few more months...just a few more months and it will just be the two of us."

Side note: I like Chris Tomlin. He has good songs. I should look at getting his cd or something!

Classes started last week. They are alright. So far there is a lot of reading which I would normally be okay with except that my eyes are failing me. I need to stop confessing that. My eyes are healed in Jesus name, I am just waiting for the manifestation of the flesh! Yikes! That's a mouthful...

By the way I am not going to mention that Barry is in town. Yes, I realize the contradiction I just provided you with but that right there is all that you are going to get out of me because he is no longer part of my life. Danny is; and just like Pastor Linda said I have Mr. Wonderful! I am not going to mess that up. She is so funny.

I'm really tired. I want Danny to come home with my car so that I can go to bed. Dinner was yummy even though he didn't get to enjoy it with me.


Unknown said...

You are a strong woman....things will get better for you...stay strong...I agree with Pastor Linda...You DO have Mr Wonderful..barry was so NOT the one for you....we all go through it, believe me. I'm always here for you girl you know that right? I love you!

She said...

Barry who? Never heard of him...on another note. I agree you are a strong person and don't let Bryan bring you down. as hard as that may seem. Sometimes there are people out there that whether they know it or not bring your focous on them and off of God. Trust me I have one of those that finds their way in my life now and again. You are always welcome to hang out here..just call!!